This was another show Presented by the Antagonist Art Group and Curated by Shannon Dougherty. The theme was right up my alley (hey keep it clean) Graphic Novels and or the Influences of. Could I have worded that worse? I chose Five Comics and Artists that drove me the most to want to draw as a kid. These Artists are responsible for making me want to do something I never thought i could and no matter how many times I gave up their works have always been the ones to drive me back to the for more punishment.
I would also like to thank Nicole and Max for coming out once again on a Thursday night down to the Alphabits, their continued support is what made me go from having No paintings done on Sunday to Banging out 2 a night and having done some of my BEST work YET!!And Thanks to all that couldn't make it but wanted to, your support is what fuels me when i'm down.
In closing remember to subscribe to my blog for updates or send me your email for the List and feel free to comment below as always.
Now on to the show (waving Muppet arms) Yeaaahhh!!!!

This deck is not new but was in this show |