Thursday, March 26, 2020
Six Free Johnny Pop Prints Links below
Hey Gals n Guys! Heres SIX free prints of some of my older work, I'm hoping printing these out or making them screen wallpaper or what have you will help you brighten your day and save you from having to spend any money unnecessarily during these troubling times. I know lots of people and stores are offering sales and its tempting to buy at these low prices but rent and food are most important as is our mental well being. So I hope something new and free will help add to your Staying at Home environment. I'll be offering newer ones in the near future to keep you minds fresh and distracted. Enjoy my friends and be safe and smart and we'll all get through this together.
Links are below check sizes before printing, I recommend matte Photo stock but any paper is fine.
Share them with friends and family.
Brooklyn Bridge Turtle
Spidey Ham
Usagi in Armor
Kaz'un in the Tunnels
Sunday, May 26, 2013
More Mega Please !!
Was playing a lot of this Mega Man bootleg game for my Retro game review site and had the Mega itch for more so I'm currently doing this Mega watercolor series .. This is what I've done so far....
Thursday, March 7, 2013
C is for Cookie !!
So being the semi-artistic Dad that I am I decided to attempt making my sons 1st Birthday extra special. I took a page from my Moms parenting history and made Cookie Monster cupcakes complete with fur. My Mom was known for making insanely elaborate cakes in Star Wars styles and other kid pleasing shapes.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A Birthday Assassination
So a lil while back I decide to make a present for my friend Jay Ortiz's Birthday. What I came up with was a custom Mighty Mug painted as Gologo 13 The Professional. For those that don't know Golgo 13 is a Japanese comic(manga) about the worlds greatest assassin he's like 007 wit a sniper rifle, and gets laid as much as James. Over the years its been transferred to anime, live movie, and tons o games which is how jay found it as a kid, in Nintendo game form.
Antagonist Art Show
This updates a wee bit behind. These Pieces are from a show Shanny was once again good enough to include me in at Niagara down on A. All my submissions were based off comic book inspirations (nothin new eh?). I just wanna thank all that came out to see my work especially Marie, Jay, Tommy, Leslie, Max, and Shane from VGNYC. The Hellblazer John Constantine piece was made as a Apartment warming gift for Max. The Spidey painting also marks the first Art I've ever had the confidence to give to my folks. Krang and the Alien are still up for grabs peeps...
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Extraordinary League of Gentlemen
This was another show Presented by the Antagonist Art Group and Curated by Shannon Dougherty. The theme was right up my alley (hey keep it clean) Graphic Novels and or the Influences of. Could I have worded that worse? I chose Five Comics and Artists that drove me the most to want to draw as a kid. These Artists are responsible for making me want to do something I never thought i could and no matter how many times I gave up their works have always been the ones to drive me back to the for more punishment.
I would also like to thank Nicole and Max for coming out once again on a Thursday night down to the Alphabits, their continued support is what made me go from having No paintings done on Sunday to Banging out 2 a night and having done some of my BEST work YET!!And Thanks to all that couldn't make it but wanted to, your support is what fuels me when i'm down.
In closing remember to subscribe to my blog for updates or send me your email for the List and feel free to comment below as always.
Now on to the show (waving Muppet arms) Yeaaahhh!!!!

This deck is not new but was in this show |

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Rockman !!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Antagonist Art Show!!!
This was another great show. I just want to start by saying thanks to Niki & Max for coming out to support, I was locked in to stay from 8pm to 2am and despite having to work in the AM Max hung on as support till at least 12am. I really appreciated it . As I appreciate all of you who have supported me in the past. On to the show...This was my biggest show yet I created 5 new Nintendo based paintings accompanied by the 2 that kicked off my NES series..I even made a few dollars (wahoo). Some of the paintings are still available and im taking requests on more game art... ON to the PICS.....

Monday, December 28, 2009

Yes its that time again for shameless self promotion. On January 7TH I shall be in a 7 artist show and be hanging atleast 5 paintings... YES!! ATLEAST FIVE!!! So most of you know this is you most paintings in one show yet. All of my paintings well be from my ever expanding 8-bit Nintendo series. YES EXpanding so theres new peices and some have already been sold even before showing OOOHHHHHhhhhhh!!!! yes yes Very C00l.. so come one come all check out my WaRez......And dont forget to subscribe to me Blog kiddies...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
"Its a me .......Bowser?"
Wha wha whaaa.....So this is the latest addition to my 8-Bit Series and also my entry in the Creep Show Art Event from last thursday. Unfortunately I was sick and unable to attend the opening. I chose King Koopa aka: Bowser because as a child no person or thing sent a chill in to your veins (or maybe just mine) then when you got to the "END BOSS" of a game. Now coming off ATARI and leaping to the NINTENDO Bowser was the first time I really believe I experienced that awful feeling of End Boss Terror. Just try and remember that music pounding into your ears as the repeated brick work made your eyes tired and you clutched the sharp boxy controller in your sweaty hands and you stared across a bridge at this awful fire spiting monster and wondered how the hell were you going to beat it with just a Lil Italian plumber.......... Great memories of first times eh? If you cant remember then just go on you tube now and type in NES SMB Ending
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Attack of the 8-bit Creeps

Creep Show is this Thursday @ the Teneleven Tavern on Ave C btw 10th and 11th hope you all can make it I will be unveiling my second in a series of 8-bit paintings.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Lets Get Ready to Rumble !!!!!!!
Well thanks to all who came to the Kings of Pop art show. It was packed thanks to the cheap drinks and cranked up AC. I jus would like to say i was very proud of my painting this time and i got great feedback. To those who dont know its Mike Tyson from Nintendo's Punch-Out !! The price tag for the plexi glass painting $200, But if i get enough requests im going to make prints for cheap-cheap. Also im going to make more nintendo based paintings. Send requests.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
King of Pop Art Show!!!

So coming next Thursday is the Kings of Pop art show, and I'm probably the only bastard not doin a Michael Jackson piece. I would love to pay tribute to the MJ who lived before 1995, but now is not the time . Instead i have created a painting dedicated to another in pop culture history which has always been by my side an inspired me an millions more...................................Oh did you think i was gonna say who? Hellz no you gotta come to the show......or wait for a week from now when i upload it.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Da Blue Bomber
Thank You All
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Spring Art Show !!!!
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